Grand Strategy
Traditional Objectives
Reduce the size of goverment and the role it plays on our life.
Have libertarian representatives in govement representing our interests.
Empower our message
Make oposing politcal philosophies an unapealing alternative to strocture society.
Tactical advice
New Objectives
Padre Mier 300 Ote., Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 6620
Traditional Objectives
Reduce the size of goverment and the role it plays on our life.
Have libertarian representatives in govement representing our interests.
Empower our message
Make oposing politcal philosophies an unapealing alternative to strocture society.
Tactical advice
New Objectives
Reduce the size of goverment and the role it plays on our life.
Have libertarian representatives in govement representing our interests.
Empower our message
Make oposing politcal philosophies an unapealing alternative to strocture society.